Thursday, March 24, 2011

Welcome! Are you prepared?

Prepared for what exactly?  Well, a number of catastrophes could befall you at any given time, be they:
Severe Weather and Natural Disasters:
-forest fires
-ice storms
-mud slides

Human trouble/crime:
-car wrecks
-home invasion
-drug overdoses

Fiscal woes:
-financial collapse
-investment losses
-medical bills

Present/medium/long range threats:
-Habitat loss
-Global warming
-Human caused extinction event
-agricultural disaster
-industrial and agricultural pollution
-offshore oil spills
-biological/chemical/nuclear terrorism
-biotech disasters
-reactor meltdown

and finally, the far fetched near zero possibilities.
-A rogue black hole swallows our galaxy
-a massive meteor strike
-zombie apocalypse
-large scale nuclear war
-super massive volcanoes
-time traveling humans out to kill John Conner
-alien invasion
-A particle accelerator creates a catastrophic chain reaction

Whew!  That's a lot to prepare for, and you're far more likely to encounter some of these disasters than others, namely a car wreck, trauma, obesity, and unemployment.  Some things you can avoid, minimize, and protect yourself from.  You can buy health insurance, you can move from high crime areas, you can minimize your driving, wear seatbelts, and accelerate and drive slowly.  You can grow your own healthy fruits and vegetables, exercise, and get enough sleep.  You can educate yourself on the risks and probabilities of various disasters and know what to do when they happen!

Some things I hope to focus on are the big issues, the pertinent issues, green living, and the survival skills necessary to keep you alive and well in an urban environment.  I hope to show you some of the problems and issues with business and government, and how policy is coming back to affect you.  Knowledge is power!  Critical thinking and emergency preparedness may save your or a loved one's life some day.

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